The Substantial Life

“Does not wisdom cry out, and understanding lift up her voice? She takes her stand on top of a high hill, beside the way, where the paths meet “

Proverbs 8:1-2

Wisdom is calling out, so that we may hear her, and live. Join me, on a journey of exploration. We believe that everyone can live a satisfying and meaningful life by loving and pursuing philosophy, faith and wisdom – Wherever it might be found.

Recent posts

The Great Waters

The story of the Flood in Genesis is one of the most famous stories in the world. Unfortunately, much of its symbolism and meaning is lost if we do not take the worldview of its authors into account. This post is the first in a series of two articles where we go in depth into…

The Line between Christ-likeness and Fanaticism

What is the difference between true faith and fanaticism. Some of Christianity’s harshest critics have said that all serious faith leads to violent fanaticism. Is this true? What does the Scriptures say about faith and how does it go wrong?

Meditations on Gratitude

I write this article in a time where almost the entire world is experiencing what many would consider to be a great disruption in our lives, the COVID-19 pandemic has charged onto the global scene forcing all of us into our homes and our economies to a grinding halt. One may ask, “Why choose to…

Vigorous Minds

We all look at life differently, yet we seldom stop and think about why we think what we think. Your mind is one of your most useful assets. Yet we fill it with junk, and we are surprised at the outcome. Come think with me, on what it means to have a vigorous mind.

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